The Project is sited to the north of Darfield in Canterbury. The application site consists of a number of fields enclosed by post and wire fences. The fields are currently grazed.
The proposal is for ~188,000* (~2.8 m^2 / panel) solar PV panels on approximately ~148ha of grazing land. The panels will be fixed onto a single-axis tracking mounting system tilting from east to west, which are piled into the ground. The project will cause minimal soil disturbance and vegetation loss. the construction for the Project is expected to last ~12-18 months and will allow for grazing of livestock during the lifetime of the project. The panels stand ~0.3m - 3.1m off the ground, allowing for grazing livestock on the grass beneath. Our aim is to reduce the impact of the development, and the installation can be easily removed at the end of the lifetime of the project which is 35-40 years. The land will then be returned to its original use and condition.
The project is 117MWp of Solar PV and 106 MW of battery energy storage. The scheme will generate enough electricity to supply ~29,500* homes. It will also save over ~15,540,000kg* of CO₂ per annum compared to burning fossil fuels for electricity.
figures are based on approximate data and assumptions.
DARFIELD Solar and Energy Storage Project – Resource Consent Documents
NZ Clean Energy (NZCE) wish to advise that our proposal for an Agrivoltaic Solar Farm at Darfield, is ready for the next phase of consultation. This is to share the Project plan and specialist studies for the Project plan, all of which will be submitted as part of the Resource Consent process.
NZCE have shared the required correspondence with the affected parties via either email or post and this link below includes the specialist studies carried out.
Appendix 4 Transportation Assessment
Appendix 4 Transport Supplement
Appendix 6 POSDP Rules Assessment
Appendix 7 Proposed Conditions - District Council
Appendix 7 Proposed Conditions - Regional Council
Appendix 8 Acoustic Assessment
Appendix 9 Glint and Glare Memo
Appendix 10 Visual Simulations Rest
Appendix 10 Visual Simulations 68 Loes
Appendix 11 Ecological Assessment
Appendix 12 Engineering Report
Appendix 12 Engineering Drawings
Appendix 13 Stormwater Management Plan
Appendix 14 Archaeological Assessment